May 2017 - Present
Product Design, System Design
News Feed
A redesigned News section for NFL’s native mobile app adopting NFL’s newest visual design system, as well as custom features requested by fans after the app’s MVP launch
NFL App’s redesigned Teams page, which displays important team information such as stats, awards, schedule and roster
NFL 100
For the 100th season of football, the NFL wanted to showcase important moments of football history by using a new console called DB100, giving users commemorative football facts from the last 100 seasons
Super Bowl Game Page
The details page for the most important game of the year, giving the special event a one off look and feel while staying within the guidelines of the design system
A redesign of NFL App’s Standings section to display where teams currently rank, as well as a content piece called “Playoff Picture”
Road to Super Bowl
An editorial section of standings showcasing all the teams in the playoffs during the current season, and the collections of content related to their journey toward the Super Bowl